Depression & low self esteem

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Depression & low self esteem


According to NARSAD: 'Major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide'. It's Symptoms are said to include a minimum of five of the following symptoms (one of which must include the first or second listed here) and must be present virtually 24 / 7 for a fortnight.


  • Persistent depressed mood, including feelings of emptiness or sadness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
  • Feelings of hopelessness and pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
  • Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
  • Change in eating (either loss of or increased appetite)
  • Decreased energy, fatigue and feeling "slowed down"
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
  • Thoughts of suicide or death
  • Persistent physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive disorders or chronic pain

About depression and anxiety
Depression Checklist


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For more than TWO WEEKS have you:


Felt sad, down or miserable most of the time?


Lost interest or pleasure in most of your usual activities?

If you answered 'YES' to either of these questions, complete the symptom checklist below. If you did not answer 'YES' to either of these questions, it is unlikely that you have a depressive illness.


Lost or gained a lot of weight? OR
Had a decrease or increase in appetite?


Sleep disturbance?


Felt slowed down, restless or excessively busy?


Felt tired or had no energy?


Felt worthless? OR
Felt excessively guilty? OR
Felt guilt about things you should not have been feeling guilty about?


Had poor concentration? OR
Had difficulties thinking? OR
Were very indecisive


Had recurrent thoughts of death?



References: (1) American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th ed (DSM-IV). Washington, DC: APA, 1994; and, (2) International classification of diseases and related health problems, 10th

revision. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1992-1994.

  • Banish Low Self-Esteem with Handwriting Analysis - An explanation of how a person's handwriting holds clues to many special and unrecognized qualities, hidden potentials and proof of self-worth.
  • Billy Lilly's Web Page and Sacramento Self-Esteem - Lessons for building self-esteem.
  • Building Self-Esteem and Happiness - Building self-esteem and self-confidence with tips, free courses, and recommended books.
  • Building Your Child's Self-Esteem - Clinical Psychologist describes 16 techniques that parents and teachers can use to build the self-esteem of their children.
  • A College Student's Guide to Overcome Shyness - Written by a 24-year-old college student who once was very shy. Topics include how to improve body language, believing in yourself, and public speaking.
  • Confidence Club – Self-esteem and confidence-building resources. Includes confidence profile questionnaire.
  • Enhancing Your Self-Esteem at Work - An overview of self-esteem and suggestions on celebrating yourself and receiving feedback from others. Includes a quiz to determine if you have low self-esteem.
  • Ibex Management Ltd - Offering coaching services for women in the area of self-esteem, with resources, online sales, and a self-assessment quiz. Based in the UK.
  • La Belle Foundation - Non-profit organization whose objective is to bring the teaching of self-development, personal and social responsibility to public school students.
  • National Association for Self-Esteem (NASE) - An organisation dedicated to fully integrating self-esteem into the fabric of American society so every individual experiences personal worth and happiness. Includes sections on parenting, educational programs, conferences and an offer to subscribe to Self-Esteem Today Magazine.
  • Self Esteem - An essay examines the healthy self-image and why comparisons hurt.
  • Self-esteem and Intelligence - Articles and books focusing on self-esteem for the gifted.

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Low self-esteem

Why do we do it to ourselves?

An extremely large percentage of us happily go through life under the opinion that having a low (or poor) self-image is just a self-deprecating characteristic. This is far from the truth.

Far from being some form of harmless personality trait, low self-esteem is in actuality a cruel form of emotional self-harm which ruins countless lives.

Low self-esteem leads us into a frightening dimension of personality-based problems. Some of which are listed below. All of these (and more) can be traced back to low self-esteem.

Self-consciousness.  Timidity.  Over-sensitivity.  Feelings of rejection.  Inability to make decisions.  Perfectionism - the self-defeating drive to be perfect.  Attention seeking.  Withdrawal into ourselves.   Aggression.

Obviously low self-esteem dramatically reduces our chances of success in life. Naturally, when we have a low self-esteem we are usually too afraid to attempt almost anything.

Because we don’t attempt to do anything – we can’t fail at anything. Unfortunately, this also means that we are never able to achieve anything, which simply reinforces our low self-esteem and undermines all of our efforts

The bottom line is that this self-indulgent activity is obviously self-harming. Whenever we put a low value on ourselves we are defeating ourselves. Let’s face it, if we do not believe in ourselves, who will?  It’s all too easy to hide behind excuses “it’s just the way I am” “ it’s my character”. It’s who I am” “It’s my belief system”. We would possibly be better employed asking ourselves “What can we do about it?”

 Let me put another question to you.

If you had evidence – written evidence to prove that you were better than you ever imagined – and I mean real proof in writing - would it convince you? Wouldn’t it change the way you thought about yourself?

How would you feel if you found new and actual hard evidence to prove that you possessed properties that you could be proud of? Would this change your self-perception, your opinion of yourself?

Of course it would! And this is exactly where handwriting analysis can help. In fact, this is one of the most important benefits of handwriting analysis because -


There are indications in your handwriting that can provide you with the written proof of hidden strengths that exist in your personality – strengths that until now have probably just been lying there dormant and unnoticed.

Yes! Real and concrete evidence that will boost your self-image to greater heights is hidden in your very own handwriting! This information is built into the various structures of your handwriting. In fact, hiding within these structures are strengths that you may not even be aware of.

Identify these personality strengths and it will lead to greater confidence! Discover your strengths and you will have opened the door to a whole new world of possibility and achievement.

healthy self-image is vital


It’s easy to see why it is so important to have a healthy self-image. Because confidence goes hand in hand with achievement. A healthy self-image is vital for success in any field. If you have a healthy self-image it means that you believe in yourself; and this is essential if you want to achieve your goals.


Good self-esteem allows you to access the source of your personal power - and the ability to use that personal power is the magic key to success.


In any profession or occupation, confidence has direct bearing on achievement. Motivational books and tapes flood the market – all with the same message; feel confident and you will succeed. Believe in yourself and you will find the road to money and success.

It’s important in sport too. To be successful, an athlete has to believe that he can go out there and excel on the track. Many great sport stars like tennis players or boxers constantly psyche themselves up and even engage professional gurus to motivate them. "You can do it!" has become a powerful, almost magical mantra.

Our self-perception plays an important role in our relationships too – because each and every relationship is profoundly concerned with how we value ourselves. To be loved we have to feel worthy of love. But behave like a reject and rejection will surely follow.


What is over-confidence?

Unfortunately there is also another side to the coin, where too much self-esteem manifests as over-confidence. In fact, over-confidence has a nasty way of spoiling your aim so that you tend to overshoot your target. Over confidence has a negative effect in that it can produce the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

Sometimes, when self-esteem is very low we start to play an elaborate little game known as over-compensation. Our minds begin to play tricks on us simply to protect our egos.


And so, even though we may be suffering from a low self-image, we pretend to be supremely confident. It hides the dreadful insecurity that we feel inside with a type of charade or act of bravado. There are some who even become arrogant and hostile simply to disguise that empty feeling of insufficiency.

Small wonder, then, that we find it so difficult to understand ourselves and others!


Fortunately, handwriting analysis provides us with a quick and reliable way to evaluate many of these confusing areas of personality.

An analysis of handwriting can give you an unbiased assessment of your abilities and shortcomings. It can give you an assessment of your feeling of self-worth and the degree to which you believe in yourself.

With almost no effort on your part you can arrive at an amazingly accurate estimate of your feeling of self-worth. And of course there are no invasive tests or lengthy questionnaires. A single page of handwriting will do the trick – and you can learn about many aspects of your personality with amazing detail.

Handwriting analysis is a valuable tool. It is over and above a simple personality test. Not only can it help you to pin-point certain personality-based problems, but it can also assist you to identify positive personality traits that need to be more fully utilised. It will give you access to your strengths.

With this sound basis of self-knowledge you will develop a new self-confidence. You will acquire a new feeling of self-worth.

This is the most valuable gift that you can give yourself. It is the doorway to a successful future.

Open it!



If you would like to have your own handwriting analyzed  click here.


How to understand the meaning of handwriting


If you too would like to understand the real message behind the handwriting you will find all the the information you need at 
How to really understanding handwriting






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