Medical Matters

Risk Awareness
Risk Reduction
Risk Management


Disclaimer: (Good start) I am not a medical person, let alone a medical professional. I am not trying to sell anything, nor do I want to buy anything. The object of this website is to research and try to understand self-harm and the issues which it raises; and hopefully, pass on any useful information which could be of help. 

Whilst the site is intended to promote tried and tested self help techniques (etc) The purpose is not meant to be diagnostic, and is clearly no substitute for expert or professional assistance.

Those of us who use self-injury as a coping strategy (or mechanism) to 'manage' overwhelming situations, need to be aware that we are seriously risking our health and our lives. This being so, we need to monitor our health much more than someone that doesn't self-harm.

Risk Awareness
For whatever reason, many more of us are deliberately inflicting physical self-injury upon ourselves than ever before. Why this should be happening is open to much debate; however, the bottom line is that there really are countless reasons why we self-harm: And there is also an extremely wide range of possible self-injury options that enable us to inflict physical injuries upon ourselves.
This being so, the purpose of this page has nothing to do with the 'causes' or the 'rights or wrongs' or injuring ourselves. It has to do with the unforseen medical consequences of our injurious actions. After all........
Accidents do happen

We should never forget the high risk involved in inflicting physical injury upon ourselves. It is dangerous and accidents can and all too frequently do happen, often with tragic consequences. This being so, it is extremely important that we understand that self-injury accidents can result in the following…


  • Instantaneous death
  • Slow, lingering death
  • An agonising death.
  • Brain damage.
  • Loss of sight, smell, hearing, speech.
  • Long-term damage to vital organs.
  • Living the rest of your life in a vegetative physical state.
  • Living the rest of your life in a vegetative mental state.
  • Loss of body parts = i.e. limbs.
  • Loss of use of body parts = i.e. paralysis.
  • Living with a serious deformity for the rest of your life.
  • Living with a serious disfigurement for the rest of your life.
  • Wound infection = blood poisoning, or worse.
Others too many to catalogue